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Erik van VeenendaalCEO of the TMMi Foundation

Keynote of TestIstanbul 2022

Improve Your Testing and Achieve Business Value With TMMi

The Test Maturity Model integration (TMMi) has a rapidly growing uptake, and is now the de-facto world-wide standard for test improvement. An overview is provided of the TMMi model and the way TMMi supports business-driven test process improvement. Specifically how to use TMMi in an Agile context will be presented. Finally the business benefits (and costs) that can be achieved with TMMi will be discussed and the way to achieve those.

About Erik van Veenendaal

drs. Erik van Veenendaal ( is a leading international consultant and trainer from Improve IT Services BV (Bonaire), and a recognized expert in the area of software testing, quality and requirement engineering. He is the author of a number of books and papers within the profession, one of the core developers of the TMap testing methodology and the TMMi test improvement model, and currently the CEO of the TMMi Foundation. Erik is a frequent keynote and tutorial speaker at international testing and quality conferences. For his major contribution to the field of testing, Erik received the European Testing Excellence Award and the ITQB International Testing Excellence Award.

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