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Çiğdem ÖrerSoftware Development Group Manager @Doğuş Teknoloji


A Scrum Team Story: Test Automation

We develop products and services in many different platforms by using different technologies at Doğuş Teknology. We are working with Doğuş Group and also non-group customers in many different sectors. We adopt and apply Agile principles and DevOps approach in our work.

This point of view and target has emerged with the focus of service quality in software development of Doğuş Technology agile teams. Similarly, with an initiative for different teams, test automation studies has also started and has become popular rapidly. In this session, we will share experiences of our agile teams in this journey with you.

About Çiğdem Örer

Cigdem Orer was born in İstanbul. She graduated from Yıldız Technical University, Department of Mathematical Engineering and Computer Engineering with double major programs. Immediately after completing her university education, she started to work at Garanti Technology. During this 15-year period, she worked and managed many different technology platform and software projects. After being transferred to Doğuş Technology in 2012, she specialized in Finance, Fleet and Factoring, carried out works with project teams that experienced hype technologies such as AI, NLP, BOT, Cognitive Services, Machine Learning. Since January 2019, she has been working as a Software Group Manager at Doğuş Teknoloji.

International TestIstanbul Conference®