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Can AlptekinDevOps Solution Lead @Migros


DevOps – Digital Platform Transformation

In successful companies, DevOps has now become an indisputable structure that needs to be established and is seen as the key to success. In addition to a major cultural change, DevOps also entails many new practices. This means that you need other competencies to establish DevOps structure.

A DevOps engineer has to manage key competencies such as infrastructure, security and testing, in addition to software. As such, this engineer must constantly improve herself/himself. In this speech, I will explain what DevOps is, its development, challenges and important competencies about it. I will also explain how DevOps can be handled from zero to hero in enterprise companies. Furthermore,I will explain the communication and structure that should be between the teams while applying DevOps, and how the companies’ DevOps strategy should be.

About Can Alptekin

Can Alptekin is a DevOps Solution Architect , has experience in various industries as telecommunication, banking, e-commerce, and retail. He has served different positions directly related to DevOps and Software Development for more than 13 years. He has taken an active role in DevOps Transformation Processes and initiating Agile Transformations in the companies he works. Currently, Can Alptekin is working as Lead Of DevOps in Migros Ticaret A.S.

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