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Erhan TayarTest Automation Team Manager @Softtech


An Institution’s Journey of Test Automation

My speech on TestIstanbul 2021 will be on the effect of cultural shift in Test Automation Transformations in an institution and the effect of horizontalization of Test Automation on transformations. Join me at my speech while I discuss: Test Automation stakeholders and meeting and teaching methods, performance targets, Senior Management ownership of Test Automation, and reporting Test Automation Transformations to the institution.

About Erhan Tayar

Key Experiences

Erhan is the Test Automation Team Manager at Softtech. In general, DevOps is responsible for bringing stakeholders together and improving the quality of software developed via helping to reach consensus. He has expertise and experience in Project Management and Planning, DevOps, Secure Software Development and Test Automation. He completed his master’s degree in Management and Organization. He completed his undergraduate degree in economics.

Further Background

Erhan has been working in the banking sector for nearly 18 years. Worked and leaded in many projects such as Test Management, Quality Management, Job Analysis, Devops, Project Management, Measurement & Analysis, Reporting, Cyber Security Programs, Software Security, Configuration Management, Demand Management, Static and Dynamic Code Analysis, Code quality measurements.

Recent Projects

For the last 10 years(2010-2020), he has been a Team Leader and Manager in Test Automation and Secure Software Development within the scope of DevOps. In addition to the technical aspects of the teams, he also works on their cultural transformations. He worked in Test, Education and Analysis departments within İşbank for 8 years(2002-2010) before his current job.